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This is the personal section of my website. I call it 'the personal section' because these pages are just about me or show my personal interests that don't fit in the other sections of my website.

Soon to come:
Read more about me on my personal pages. You will find answers to the questions 'Who am I?', 'Where do I live?', 'What have I wasted my life with?' and so on...


I'm searching for penfriends from the United States of America!
Please visit my Contact page.

Curriculum vitae

My personal résumé.

How it began

This is 'How it began'...

My Old Homepage

Because I can't throw anything away (or delete anything) I've included my old homepage in this website. Have a look at it, you may like it more than I do. :-?

KISSed Site - KISSfp FrontPage Add-On Last update: 25-Feb-99 - thomas@goering.commail-to

© Copyright 1998-1999 - Thomas Goering (Feedback)

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